Here are 4 most painful places to get a piercing

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

1. Genital piercing: Genital piercings are perhaps the most sensitive due to the high concentration of nerve endings in the genital areas. These piercings can vary in intensity of pain, depending on the exact location and the individual's pain threshold.

Since these areas are also prone to movement and friction, the initial healing process can be quite uncomfortable.

2. Septum piercing: The septum, or the area of cartilage that divides the nostrils, is another painful spot for a piercing. This area has a significant nerve supply, and the piercing needle must pass through a small, tough area of cartilage, which can be quite painful.


Additionally, the central location of the septum means that swelling and tenderness can affect overall nasal function, adding to the discomfort.

3. Tragus piercing: Located at the small cartilage nub of the ear that projects immediately in front of the ear canal, the tragus can also be quite sensitive.

The tragus has thicker cartilage than other parts of the ear, making it tougher to pierce. The pain level is heightened due to the resistance and density of the cartilage, and the healing process can be prolonged due to the area's exposure to frequent movement from talking and facial expressions.


4. Nipple piercing: Nipple piercings are known to be particularly painful due to the high density of nerve endings in the nipples. This area is also extremely sensitive to temperature and touch, which can exacerbate the pain during the piercing process.

Post-piercing, nipples can remain tender and sensitive as they heal, and care must be taken to avoid irritation from clothing and physical activity.

Choosing to get a piercing, especially in one of these more sensitive areas, requires consideration of both the pain involved and the care required during the healing process. However, for many, the aesthetic and emotional rewards of piercings outweigh the initial discomfort.
